Thursday, March 1, 2007


As human beings we are all completely responsible for our decisions. No one is ever forced to do anything, and no matter what the circumstances may be, we all always have the ability to make a choice. Granted, there are some situations in which one might be strongly influenced to take a certain path, but the choice, despite our ignorant denunciations, will still remain. Human behavior in regards to responsibility really irritates me, particularly when people become consumed by the little phrase "I have to", applying these words and their implications to nearly every scenario they encounter. In reality it is nothing more than a miniscule device used to bury the remnants of personal responsibility beneath the supposed obligations one maintains to society and the general citizenry as a whole. This is absolutley ludicrous, since as an individual, each and every human being can determine their own distinct relationship with society, one that in no way has to follow accustomed norms. Those around us can and should influence an individual, but they in no way dictate his actions. In other words people would rather abound their insecurities upon the abstract commitments and connections that surround them, rather than accept the fact that their problems generate from within. This may be a natural human action, but it is still a needless one that ultimately causes trust and communication to disentigrate in favor of doubt and blame. We all must accept our imperfections and recognize that we must carefully calculate our decision making for once our aims have been realized, for better or worse, we must decide between the pure and corrupt. To hold ourselves accountable, or enslave our consciences into believing that humanity, not the individual, is to blame.

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