Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Pledge of Allegiance

I think the pledge of allegiance is awesome, Zach. America is a noble experiment characterized by freedom and individuality, and never before in the course of history has a group of citizens so diverse and marked by extreme differences managed to coexist in such a peaceful manner. The Pledge of Allegiance is a symbol of this unity, for despite one's country of birth or ethnic background, every American citizen essentially ignores their grievances to stand and recite these words out of love and respect for their nation. I personally find it devastating and outrageous that certain people refuse to even exert the physical energy it takes to stand during this patriotic moment, out of their distaste for one simple word- God. It is true that America is a secular country, and being so, should encourage religious freedom. Yet simultaneously, America was founded by Christian men with deep spiritual beliefs in God and the afterlife. Indeed one only has to take a general American History course to know that the original settlers of America were almost entirely extremely devout Christians, so in a historical sense, it's only logical that the pledge written to symbolize a distinctly religious country would include a phrase addressing God. People who refuse to recite the pledge are only trying to ignore history. History shouldn't be rewritten, it should be acknowledged and understood, just as it should be accepted that the founders of this country were religious. If you still don't want to say the word God, simply stand out of respect for your country and fellow citizens, and remain silent. To completely ignore the pledge in absolute defiance is rude, and shows a complete lack of appreciation for the rights and freedom this great country has given you.

1 comment:

zachary browning said...

If you don't pledge, you are a pussy! At least that is what I envision my future frat brothers saying.