Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The month of March has allowed me to experience a level of anxiety and doubt that has brushed my life only a few times before. Upon finaling finishing my dreaded college essays in early January, I happily and willingly pushed the college issue from my mind. During these weeks of bliss the impending moment in which I will finally decide where I will spend the next four years of my life barely brushed my conscious line of thought. However, the very second March came into being the omnipresent realization that a major decision will have to be made in the extremely encrouching future hit me, and not a day passes without my thoughts lingering upon the doom and hope that I will shortly experience. It is not that I fear my decision letters, but it is frustrating for me to know that most of the decisions in regards to my future have already been cast. I know I am going to go to college somewhere, so why can't someone provide me with the answer as to exactly where I am going to end up. It is hard to be excited for the future when you can't envision it. I am more than ready to feel the adrenaline that the idea of definitive escape from these volcanic islands must provide, and I desire the certainty of telling everyone who asks exactly what direction my life is moving in. I am sick of waiting!

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