Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Faith is what drives evey human being's desire to live, anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is full of crap. Everyday we drudge through the motions, maintaining faith that tomorrow will be better. We all have faith that our lives will become something meaningful, the beauty of a hollywood movie set to a grand philharmonic, with a degree of happiness known only to the emotionally priviledged. Our mortality frightens us, so we have faith in a form of existence beyond, a fundamental hope that releases us from our fear of death and finite ends, at least for a few precious moments. From science to Christinaity and Islam we all cling to something greater than ourselves, ideas that paint a picture of an organized and thoughtful universe. It is those that lose faith, and all the subsequent beliefs in progress and the infinite, that fall prematurely. We all need to have hope, and believe, despite the supposed evidence to the contrary, that our lives our full of signifance and undefinable importance. Above all, have faith, for there is no greater comfort.

1 comment:

zachary browning said...

Hmmm, so what is your opinion on the pledge of allegiance? :)