Sunday, April 15, 2007


Right now I am emersed within the Varsity Tennis season, and it has been a time plagued by adversity. To begin the season, a coach that I had been helping me learn the game for over six years left, leaving me feel like I no longer had an advocate within the coaching staff. Two weeks into the season I severely twisted my ankle while running, forcing me to sit out for a week, and then continue to play through the pain for two more weeks. Right after spring break, as I finally began to feel that my angle was completely healed, I re-sprained my angle while lunging for a volley, an event that occurred only four weeks before the ILH tournament, the most important time of the season. I have now been relegated to a constant state of disability, as my ankle brace can no longer leave my body out of fear for yet another injury. This Friday the post-season begins and I will dominate all of the competition. It is my senior season, and although I know that my ankle is pretty seriously hurt, physical pain is only temporary and regret of not completing my final season will last a lifetime. Being an athlete is having such a degree of mental strength, that no level of physical effort or discomfort can keep her from acheiving her goals, because unlike the untrained, she knows that life is all about mental toughness, and only the most determined will succeed.


I have finally received all of my admissions decisions, but I feel more anxious than ever before. I am only eighteen years old, barely old enough to vote and leave my parents without legal ramifications, how am I supposed to measure the strengths of numerous solid options against my personality and come to a decision that will affect the very course of my life. Although I am beginning to have a clear idea of what I should do, my nerves are still shaking while silent whispers of fear leave doubts embedded within my subconscious. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and I am sure that this will work out in the end, but until I am absolutely one hundred percent positive I won't be incredibly comfortable with whatever it is that I decide. Coming from Hawaii, I just can't figure out what kind of social and cultural environment I prefer, so I hope I can gain a more legitimate grasp upon who I am and what I like as soon as possible.

Monday, April 2, 2007


The resounding thrum of massive stereos mercilessly beating their rhythms upon the daily ravaged boards of the dance floor inspires sensations of comfort and happiness in millions of youth. After six weeks spent hopping among the discotecas of Barcelona I willingly became a convert, a girl yearning to let loose and dance in the care free environment dominated by emotional highs, and if all goes well, drama. As the most played song on my ipod, which shares the name of this post, describes, we've been waiting a long time so let's get down. It's not prophetic, but it is a statement which captures the confined and trapped paranoia that grips even the most individualistic characters of young adulthood. Rules and direction spew from every angle, from the wanted to the desperately unwanted. We all want to escape, to momentarily loose control of our actions and avoid the unavoidable pressure that surrounds the promise a young life posseses. Of course some choose to do so through substances, others through sport and activity, and others through the discotech. If one can't understand or comprehend the pure adrenaline rush a disco can provide one only needs to listen to Young Love's "Discotech" to taste the tingling of excitement. Let go and dance.